Enhancements to Accelerate Productivity

Contract Authoring Tool

An Add-on to simplify the contract life cycle.


Legal Suite Contract Authoring Tools

Manage the contract life cycle with automation


Relief for Your Overburdened Staff

Legal departments are understaffed and overworked. Finding a better way to manage their contracts is a priority so they can spend more time on the critical work of serving clients.
If your legal department is trying to keep up with the latest contract innovations, you know how challenging it can be to get everything done while staying organized. If you're not keeping track of all your contracts, who knows what opportunities your business could be leaving on the table? 

GaLexy® Contract Authoring Tool from Legal Suite simplifies contract management by making it easy to deliver every step of the contract life cycle quickly. We make managing agreements easier than ever before! Plus our software makes sure everyone knows exactly which version of every contract is live at any given time, so there's no confusion about which terms apply when questions arise.

Imagine How Quickly You Can Secure Contracts

Legal Suite's Contract Authoring Tool (GaLexyDoc®) optimizes and secures the contractual process for all company stakeholders directly involved in projects requiring the drafting of contracts.

The legal team publishes its validated contract templates from a shared template library, ready to be generated online by functional and operational departments.

Plugged into a business module, Contract Authoring Tool (GaLexyDoc®) becomes an essential tool of the Legal Department for the follow-up of negotiations and the execution of the company's commitments.

Legal departments are tasked with reducing costs, streamlining operations and improving efficiency

To meet these demands, legal teams must embrace technology in ways they never have before.

GaLexy® Contract Authoring Tool from Legal Suite is a fully integrated digital contract management solution that enables legal teams to achieve their goals by doing more with less time and resources.

Best of all, this innovative tool is designed specifically for lawyers - so it delivers exactly what you need without you wasting hours trying to figure out how things work!


Ready to step up to automation that saves you work-effort? 

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