Generate your documents and contracts in a few clicks with GaLexy®
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Legal Suite relentlessly researches and develops applications that meet legal departments’ needs. With the new “Advanced Document Generation” module available on the GaLexy® platform, corporate counsel now have access to a powerful feature that can generate optimized documents in a few clicks.
Automated Document Generation
From Data Storage to Intelligent Information Management
A typical day for in-house business lawyers is filled in large part with processing and analyzing substantial masses of information; contracts being their primary task. Analysis, exchanges, drafts, compilation, verification, signatures… The pre-contractual phase is often repetitive as well as time and energy consuming.
Aware of these issues, Legal Suite has designed a smart and secure platform which exceeds the mere function of data storage. To that effect, the GaLexy®’s Document Generation module operates information in a relevant manner so as to automate the production of legal documents. This major feature allows generation of emails and associated documents (digital or scanned) as well as contracts from a library of clause (called Clause Library) or from a repository of contract templates.
In a nutshell, the Document Generation module promotes :
- Responsiveness
- Time saving;
- Risk management: incompatible clause management and/or inseparable;
- Overall coherence of issued documents in terms of content and layout;
- Information and knowledge sharing: library of contracts accessible online.
As the legal department gets involved with all corporate activities (sales, R&D, procurement, risk, finance, general management, marketing, communication), it must obtain reliable, homogeneous and identifiable documents. This equation can only be achieved with an advanced feature that manages both content and form.
Flexibility, Ergonomics and Openness
The GaLexy®’s Document Generation module allows to easily merge the information of your legal management software with a template created from Microsoft Word®. It offers both flexibility of use and an opening to other applications, including :
- Managing images and logos at the template level (cropping, adjustments, filters, effects, drawing tools, etc.)
- Managing graphic components (fonts, font and paragraph colors, page setup, tabs and alignments, etc.);
- Managing Word’s automated features (numbering of pages and chapters, merge fields, references, footnotes, watermarks, automatic summary, macros, etc.);
- Managing Word’s advanced setup (navigation pane, read-only mode, plan mode, etc.);
- Using the review mode, adding notes and comments;
- Integrating tables of data or lists of information.
The generated documents in Word®/.docx or PDF format are automatically attached to the folder from which they were constructed. Each edited document benefits from GaLexy®’s document management functionalities:
- Modifications through our Word® plugin;
- Sending documents by electronic signature or electronic registered mail;
- Connection to a document management system to work on versions or collaborative products.
These new GaLexy® features offer ergonomics, efficiency and productivity to corporate legal users.
Generate your documents and contracts in a few clicks with GaLexy®
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